Anvarol by Crazybulk is one of the best legal steroids on the market nowadays. Bodybuilders know that muscles do not stay the same forever. Fat can reaccumulate and their bodies may not stay perfect. Therefore, most professional bodybuilders use legal steroids to keep their muscles lean and prevent fat from reappearing.
The problem is most steroids are not legal nowadays. They had terrible side effects, some of them were even fatal. That is why Crazybulk made Anvarol and all its other bodybuilding supplements. Their main goal was to provide bodybuilders with safe, natural alternatives. For instance, Anvarol is designed to be a safe alternative to Anavar. Of course, Anavar is now illegal.
What Is Anvarol?

Anvarol is a legal steroid. It is a safe, natural bodybuilding supplement.
Crazybulk made it to provide bodybuilders with the same effects as Anavar.
Anavar was a potent, anabolic steroid. It helped bodybuilders to burn fat and increase their muscle bulks. However, it caused many health problems including heart problems and strokes.
On the other hand, Anvarol gives the same effects without any side effects. It enhances stamina, endurance, and strength. During cutting, your muscles will be leaner. Also, it burns any extra fat.
In addition, your body will stay in shape. Anvarol increases muscle blood flow. Your muscles will be pumped all the time.
Here is our research about Anvarol ingredients.
Anvarol Ingredients
1. Soy Protein Isolate (450mg)
Soybeans are one of the best sources of nutrients. They have been used for ages for treating a lot of health conditions.
Soy protein isolate contains high amounts of elements. For example, iron, phosphorus, copper, and manganese.
Bodybuilders use soy protein isolate supplements widely. It contains branched-chain amino acids. That is why they are great for muscle building. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Studies say that soy protein isolate is better than whey and casein protein. However, when combined with other benefits, it gives more benefits. (6, 7, 8)
In addition, studies recommend using soy protein isolate for weight loss because of its high protein content. Also, it can reduce appetite, lower hunger sensation, and decrease fat. (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
2. Whey Protein Concentrate (450 mg)
Whey protein is what is left after making cheese or yogurt. It contains all the essential amino acids. It is found in almost all bodybuilding supplements.
Whey protein concentrate can increase muscle mass and strength. Building muscles depends on proteins and amino acids. Whey protein can provide you with them. Also, your anabolic hormones will be enhanced. Anabolic hormones such as insulin also build muscles.
In addition, whey protein concentrate contains leucine. Leucine enhances protein synthesis and muscle building. (18, 19, 20, 21)
Studies show that muscle building happens faster after working out. It is recommended to take whey protein concentrate before and after working out. That is how you will maximize your results. (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 34)
Also, whey protein is better than casein. It is highly recommended for people who want to lose weight. It increases your protein intake and makes you feel full for a longer time.
In a nutshell, whey protein is one of the best and most effective ingredients for muscle building and weight loss. (35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43)
3. BCAA 2:1:1 (Leucine: Isoleucine: Valine) (225mg)
BCAA or branched-chain amino acids enhance muscle building and increases physical power. Branched-chain amino acids are leucine, valine, and isoleucine. They form more than 40% of essential amino acids in our bodies. Also, they form about 20% of our muscles.
BCAA are crucial for our energy. They are burned inside our muscle cells. During exercises, they provide us with the necessary energy. (44, 45)
In addition, BCAA helps our bodies to control blood sugar levels. Also, BCAA releases serotonin, which decreases fatigue. You will stay longer in the gym due to serotonin effects. (45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52)
Leucine increases muscle building. On the other hand, valine and isoleucine increase energy levels and control blood sugar levels. (53, 54, 55)
4. Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) (150 mg)
Wild Yam Root is one of the best traditional treatments. It has been used for centuries for bone problems, low libido, and infertility. The active ingredient in Wild Yam Root is diosgenin. It plays a role in steroid synthesis.
Anvarol depends on Wild Yam Root widely. It is natural and clean. Also, it has steroidal effects.
In addition, Wild Yam Root control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Besides, it has some anti-inflammatory effects throughout our bodies. (56, 57, 58, 59, 60)
5. Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate Disodium (PeakATP) (120 mg)
Studies show that Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate Disodium can enhance physical energy and power significantly. ATP is the energy unit in our bodies. Your muscles will have enough energy to consume during working out. (61, 62)
Anvarol Benefits
Anvarol is clean and natural.
Here are its benefits.
1. Produces Energy
After going to the gym for several days, most people feel down. Exhaustion is not possible with Anvarol. Your body will obey your instructions. You will be able to do even more exercises. Your energy level will allow you to do so.
In addition, you will not feel heavy, tired, or exhausted.
The best thing about Anvarol energy is that it lasts. It is not an explosion of energy. You will stay focused in the gym for a longer time. Anvarol will allow you to exercise without feeling that you need to stop.
Anvarol contains adenosine. It provides your body with all the energy you need.
You will notice more power in your contractions too.
2. Boosts Testosterone
Testosterone is important for men’s health and power. It makes the muscles stronger and dynamic. You will not feel tired at all if your testosterone level is high.
Anvarol enhances testosterone level. Its blend of ingredients makes sure of that.
3. Increases Strength
Anvarol makes muscles stronger during working out. You will feel more power in your body. Subsequently, your performance will be enhanced.
Anvarol allows bodybuilders to exercise all their muscles. Even the small muscles can be exercised.
4. Faster Recovery
Bodybuilders care about recovery. After working out, most people cannot exercise. Anvarol helps your muscles recover faster. You will return to the gym whenever you need it.
5. Enhances Performance
Anvarol enhances your performance both mentally and physically. After taking it, you will feel that you want to exercise more often.
Anvarol Side Effects
Most people think that legal steroids have the same side effects as illegal ones. Anvarol is clean and safe. All bodybuilders using it do not complain about any minor or major side effects.
However, if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, avoid it. Also, you should talk with your doctor if you have certain conditions or take any medications.
1. What Is the Recommended Dosage and How to Use It?
Take 3 capsules 15 to 20 minutes before working out. Keep using it for at least 3 months for the best results. Of course, you should have a good work out program and follow a proper diet to achieve your fitness goals.
2. Who Should Avoid Anvarol?
Anvarol is not recommended for women, especially breastfeeding and pregnant women. Also, if you are allergic to any of Anvarol ingredients, do not use it.
3. What about Shipping and Money Back Guarantee?
Crazybulk ship its products wherever you are for FREE. You will not pay for shipping. You will receive your order based on where you live. You will receive it after:
• 3-7 Working Days: If you live in the US.
• 2-5 Working Days: If you live in the UK.
• 3-10 Working Days: If you live anywhere in Europe.
• 5-15 Working Days: If you live in Canada, Australia, or anywhere in the world.
If you want your money back, send the package within 14 days of you receiving Anvarol and they will return your money then.
4. Where Can I Buy Anvarol?
It is recommended to buy it via Crazybulks’s official website to make sure you’ll get the original product.
5. What Is the Difference between Anvarol and Anavar?
Anavar is illegal and not available anymore. Anvarol is legal and clean. Anavar had many side effects such as liver problems. Anvarol is 100% safe.
Anvarol gives you all the effects of Anavar without any side effects.
6. What If I Exceeded the Recommended Dosage of Anvarol?
Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Anvarol is safe. However, if you exceeded the recommended dosage, you may feel some discomfort in your stomach.
7. Is Anvarol Suitable for Bulking and Cutting?
Yes, Anvarol is great for bulking and cutting.
8. How to Avoid Anvarol Tolerance?
Use Anvarol for 3 months and then stop for 10 days to avoid tolerance.
Customer Reviews
Here are some customer reviews of Anvarol.
1. Zana
“ So far I really like this product. I’ve never taken Anavar so I can’t compare it to that but I do seem to have higher stamina for cardio which helps the cutting process and my muscles recover more quickly.”
2. Jon
“keeps muscle on you when losing weight. I take this with breakfast every day to set up the day. I have noticed now while I have been cutting that I am keeping on some muscle that I would have probably lost. I’d recommend it!”
The Bottom Line
Anvarol is a well-formulated, bodybuilding supplement. It is the best alternative for Anavar. Anvarol is 100% safe. All bodybuilders who use it say that it works.